This week I posted on social media how I felt like I can’t catch a break! I have been so “off” my game this lately! 😩 I don’t know if my routine has gotten off because the boys have had min days at school and one more I had to drop them off at school early or because I switched my schedule around this last Tuesday to go on my son Caleb’s class field trip… but I showed up late to my dentist apt this week and I feel like lately I haven’t been able to manage as much as I normally can! I keep dropping the ball and forgetting things! Ugh!! It is so frustrating!! Who can relate??

I know that sometimes life brings us some curve balls that we didn’t expect or we have a season of life that seems a little bit more busy then normal and it throws a whack in our schedule. But I wanted to share some things that I immediately did to be able to wrap my brain around it, get back on my normal routine and end the day and week strong! 🙌

Well, I first called my husband and ranted to him about how I was feeling. Lol. Anyone else do that? My poor husband!! He is my best friend and therefore, always gets to hear it ALL. Oops. Sorry honey!! But you know it was actually good that I called him cause he was able to mention some things that I was able to process over and determine some of those things that were causing me to be off my game.

So from there I analyzed my schedule and noticed a couple apts that were not adding to my life but taking away and making my life more complicated. So I rescheduled them and canceled another thus freeing up more time.

And do you know what happened… I IMMEDIATELY felt a feeling of relief and stress was removed instantly from my body. I was blown away!!

And then the last thing I did was I went back to the basics!! Therefore, I thought you might find it of value for me to share with 4 tips that can help you destress your life and bring balance and harmony back so that you can to feel so overwhelmed.

On THIS WEEKS LIVE tomorrow at 10:00 AM PACIFIC I will share with you 4 tips that will help you take control of your business and NOT allow your business to control you!! Plus I will be giving away my Daily, Weekly, Monthly To Do lists that allows you to get more done in a day.

You don’t want to miss it!!