So, I am going to be honest I have not always been a neat, clean and organized person. Don’t get me wrong I have always liked things clean, but I think my husband has been more of a neat freak then I ever was and over the course of our almost 15-year marriage he has rubbed off on me. I will say though that my husband and I are those crazy people that when we come home from a vacation, a camping trip or a day trip we go straight to unpacking, we start the laundry and put everything away in its appropriate places.

We recently just moved, and we seriously unpacked and put away our entire house in a 3-day weekend. People are always shocked with how quickly we can get things clean. We hate having boxes and bags all over the place. We like a clean, neat and organized home. But, we are not perfect and there are many times when we come home, and our house is a disaster. We have laundry spread all over the place, our boys’ toys all over the floor and dishes are piled high in the sink.

I do remember vividly though on the days where my house feels like chaos there is a direct correlation to how I feel in my business. I don’t know if I am the only one but for me the two go hand in hand. As a mom it is hard for me to feel that I have things under control in my business when my home life is out of control. And it makes it difficult for me to focus on what I need to get done in my business when I keep thinking about all the mess and areas I need to clean and organize in my home.

Therefore, after years of being self-employed and owning by own business and experiencing this constantly I have concluded that I work much better when I know my home is clean, organized and under control. Therefore, on this week’s LIVE I will be sharing some tips that you can do to help keep your house clean and organized so that you don’t spend hours every day cleaning your house, cause let’s be honest who has time for that and you can be productive in your business!!

On this week’s Live, I will share 7 things you can do to keep your house clean and organized. It only takes me 15-20 mins a day to keep my house clean so that I can be productive in my business.