A mindset for success!! Tips that the most successful people do on a daily basis.

1. Miracle morning. Read Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and work on creating your miracle morning for success.

My Miracle Morning looks like the following:

  • Silence (prayer, meditation, quiet time- I use this time & pray every morning
  • Affirmations- write down things that you want to be committed to. these are things that you want to be doing right now so you write these items in present tense as if you are already doing them. Ex: I am an amazing mom, I am a wonderful wife, I eat healthy everyday, I work out everyday, I run 3 miles everyday. I help 50 families reach their dreams of home ownership, etc
  • Visualizations- Visualize what you want the future to look like. Ex: My house is free & clean by age 45, I am debt free, no credit cards and on a cash system, I am traveling outside the United States once a year, I own 15 free & clear rental properties by age 60
  • Exercise: Run, walk, do yoga, weights, the key is do some form of exercise everyday for at least 20 mins. Just get up & MOVE!
  • Reading: Pick a book to read, it can be a self development book, a novel, your bible study. Doesn’t matter – just spend some time reading. I use this time to do my morning bible study
  • Scribing: Journal your thoughts, ideas, dreams, prayers. Spend time writing.

2. Evening Routine – Tips for creating a successful Evening Routine:

  • Set yourself up for Success: set your bedroom up for an inviting space to sleep. Warm tone colors, soft music, maybe some incense, and you can change your light bulb that isn’t so bright so it was more calming
  •  Set your Intensions: however many hours you have to sleep change your mindset to be positive. Instead of saying “oh man I only have 5 hours to sleep I am going to be so tired tomorrow and the day is going to drag” say “I have 5 hours of glorious sleep and I am going to wake up feeling rested and ready to tackle the day”
  • Put a glass of water by your bed: The first thing you do when you wake up is a drink a glass of water and re-hydrate your body and take care of your body.
  • No Tech Hour: One hour before bed going to bed get all of your text messages, emails, FB scrolling done so that you can have one hour before bed with no electronics.
  •  Don’t charge your phone by your bed: Try and charge your phone in another room or at least in the bathroom. It is so easy to just check your phone when you hear a notification or text message.
  • Mind dump: Have a piece of paper or a journal by your bed. So when you start thinking about those items that you need to do the next day you can write them down real quick so you can get them out of your head and onto paper.

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